
White person's hands holding star cut outs while they gently spill out of their palms. Empaths, Highly Sensitive People (HSP), and LGBTQ intuitives experience the world in a rich, deep way. The Joyful Empath therapy can help.

Therapy for Empaths, Change Makers, and Creatives

The world needs more radical, joyful, magical empaths.

woman holding lit up light string silhouette photography
Photo by luizclas on Pexels.com


I specialize in supporting intuitive, creative, and soulful LGBTTSQIA folx to heal from ongoing oppression, and legacies of trauma and abuse. Folx who are called to my work tend to resonate with the identities of empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people – creative, soulful, and heart-led beings who are exceptionally attuned to the energies, emotions, and influence of others. Magical folx who are committed to making change in the world. But who often struggle to believe they too deserve care, and to find healing that honors their unique sensory, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Coming Home to the Sacred Space of You

silhouette of trees and mountain under blue starry sky
Photo by Sindre Fs on Pexels.com

I love supporting folx in reconnecting with their sense of aliveness, joy, and empowered self within this world. In remembering the roots of their ancestral healing practices, working to build collaborative community, and healing from the harms of white supremacy, colonization, ableism, and the patriarchy. To practice moving in-between places of necessary masking and protectiveness – and places where they can be vulnerable, nourished, and restored. To come home to their own fullness of being.

In my work we do not pathologize wounding or places of brokenness – but rather honor them as deserving of care. I believe that wholeness is inclusive of brokenness, and that nothing within us needs to be fixed. Only cared for.

Using talk therapy as well as ritual, art making, listening to music, curling up with a pillow and blanket, engaging with the earth, hypnotherapy journeys, practices of empowered embodiment, and more – we will work together to co-create a sacred, healing home in you and your life. A home that is secure, loving, connected, and nourishing. Where your body is honored, and ancestral lineages (blood and/or identity based) are available and supportive. A life where community care is reciprocal, where wounds are tended, and relationships are growthful. A way of being where embodied aliveness holds the vastness of sky and the roots of the earth.

Where joy is understood as both brave and revolutionary. A place where you truly belong.

Let’s find your way home.

Welcome! I’m Phoenix (they/them)

I am a licensed trauma psychotherapist and certified hypnotherapist in Berkeley, CA. I offer virtual services throughout California and Oregon. Additionally, I offer in person ecotherapy sessions to regular clients. I am a queer, non-binary, neuroqueer empath, intuitive, and artist who centers embodied, empowered joy in healing. I believe all therapy is political, and that we need more radical, joyful empaths on the path to liberation for all. Now more than ever. This is sacred, courageous, radical work. And I am here for it.